Interesting story, no doubt meaning well, thanks for posting. Shame it kind of looks gender biased despite a symbolic generality near the beginning, acknowledging either can be wronged in this way, the remainder of the story looks like a story for women about male infidelity.
I think if this was to be properly researched, you would be surprised to find how often it turns out to be the man who is played like this. But (a) most men won’t like to admit they fell for it, and (b) would not wish to expose the mothers of their kids to the world, or even to their kids for doing it.
A one time acquaintance of mine grew up aware that her father, as the lesser financial contributor to the marital household, practiced this throughout life, until his death. When the full extent of it became clear, with many secreted assets in all manner of stocks, bonds, and accounts, there were more than sixty in total.
Her reaction was to adopt pretty much the same secretive policy, in her own marital life as the lesser financial contributor, presumably in an effort to ensure she wasn’t similarly played herself. When it came to a choice between her husband and her secreted financial assets, the financial assets won, time after time, husband after husband.
This was even to the extent sometimes it looked like a kind of competitive business between she and her “friends”, as to who could be more successful in this kind of sport, with all, partners, victims, friends fully interchangeable and expendable.
I don’t think anyone should be surprised it happens on either side, as it is a feature of the urge, (and the need) to seek personal profit throughout life which causes it. We can see that as time goes on, more and more often, the urge to seek or protect assets and profit wins over partner allegiance, so successful, happy relationships are becoming less and less common.
The treachery just gets worse.
I believe the only thing that can change this will be the successful implementation of personal self funding, removing the need to seek personal profit.