Interesting opinion Jim, thanks for that. Reason I believe and inform it is all about energy, is following nearly 6 years formal Systems Engineering research on the energy system of nature.
We are mostly unaware that energy underlies everything we do, and all of what nature does.
Science, of which I am very much part of, has made a mistake, by omission of mathematical sign on energy, positive from source, negative from sink. The sun is the source, Earth is the sink. Positive Joules are joules added to Earth, negative Joules are subtracted from Earth.
The creation and lifecycle of any business by negative energy including utilities energy supply results in a net reduction of Joules put to use on Earth, with also creation of pollution toxic to all life.
In short, Earth is like a giant battery, trickle charged by the sun. Life itself is energy from the sun put to use. You yourself are a product of around a hundred Joules per second, every second of your life, as are most humans. Athletes and manual workers can need three or four times that much.
Now we've significantly discharged this battery of Earth, wiping out a large proprtion of the species of life on it, including our own. Yes there are lots of humans but nothing compared with the humans who have died, we are almost unaware of those in the parts of the world where we've consumed most, transporting most of the energy consumed by money wielded as debt from the formerly resource rich parts of the world.
This is an outcome of negative energy use, we are literally destroying the planet and all on it.
That is why I would disagree with you that there is a future for nature without us. Earth is a system of equilibriums. Climate is an equilibrium, average temperature is an equilibrium, Earth's orbit is an equilibrium. We respect none of those, only the temperature equlibrium of our own bodies, 37 degrees celsius.
After breaking any equilibrium, if no further work is done to regain the equlibrium, then vital things fly away, out of bounds for life as we know it.
That is the path we are currently on, physically and mathematically, and our minds are so busy working to earn a crust and compute our tax returns, we mostly can't see this.
We are operating systemically like automatons programed for one purpose, to make profit, and profit has to have negative energy to be even possible.
Effectively we have run up an existential energy debt on behalf of all of life, energy taken from the planet that has to be put back, and only we humans as a soecies have the capability to put it back.
To do it, we have to use the only source of positive Joules, that is the Joules from the sun.
To do that, we have to start issuing money on the Joules from the sun already put to use.
Until we do that, nature will keep devaluing our money, burning, starving, and flooding us out of our homes.
By "Us" I mean all humans including those in Pakistan, Yemen, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, you know, everyone currently cancelled by the Western political System.
This is nature at work, that power is bigger than any of us, it transcends all politics and wars, it is raw physics at work, we can't shout it down or scare it away, or bargin with it.
She lays down one law, the law of energy that we have to follow:
"Nature is the Grand Authority, her currency is energy, There is one issuer and enforcer of it, the sun. We either use it, as issued, for free, or burn"