Interesting observation Will, thanks for posting.
Does it occur to you that the US taking the option to move to a domestic and community solar hydrogen ecology beginning immediately with issue of the stimulus needed to monetise historical and ongoing solar would absolve the US of its historical mistake, by being the first to do the right thing?
This is in addition to instantly relieving all the financial pressures on everyone, whilst assuring the US of energy independence, and actually providing unlimited wealth potential, whilst keeping all aircraft in the air, since all are convertible to work with hydrogen, as are all cars including electric, removing most needs for batteries, whilst filtrating and circulating drinking water, and even providing alternative sources of food, since hydrogen is convertible also to hunan consumable food (See "Solein").
After this switch, the thermodynamic effect of use of energy is the reverse of use of energy from Earth, like nature does, the more of it we can put to use, the less there is left to just become the heat it would become if nature doesn't use it.
So we might celebrate by converting our old buggattis to hydrogen and revving them off down the road, if we are lucky enough to have one of those, as actually we all could be, very soon after we move to that genuinely creative mode.
I kind of hope the US might lead in this, it actually has a duty to, as you point out.
No-one would care who's fault it was we came close to burning the planet, after all possibilities of it are removed.