Interesting initiative you have there, thanks for posting. How is it funded, where does it get its energy from? Money is energy always, physically. If this comes from the subscribers, then the subscribers have to pull it out of the for-profit system, unless they might be making money directly from solar energy (Almost no-one doing that yet).
The organisation itself has to be solar powered, with the ability to generate either hydrogen, or cryptocurrency, or both, in order to get revenue (Energy) for itself which is not dependent on energy extracted from the planet, therefore not adding to the problem of global warming, which I presume would be something you want to fix.
And what after the fix is done? If solar indexed stimulus started to be issued tomorrow, the implementation of the required domestic and community solar hydrogen infrastructure would be complete in maybe one or two years.
You've projected hundreds of years for the required change of mindset. To me the mindset change will be instant, the instant the plan to fix the energy problem is announced.
Would your organisation not be redundant after that? Would this be a concern for the organisation, if it was no longer needed?