Interesting, familiar thoughts, thanks for posting.
I wonder how will the move to a solar indexed economy affect this.
To me it looks like we won't have the same problems, because there will not be so much to gain from profit, in fact profit will be something frowned on under most circumstances, an energy crime, since it is something directly dependent on, and quantified by energy extracted from the planet, which is in turn directly linked with temperature rise, it will be auditable because money will be tied to energy, a certain number of Joules per token money, and where we will see anyone in receipt of more energy than indicated by the money they possess, we have to conclude this indicates energy taken from the planet, actually energy stolen from the planet because the planet is the only place energy can be taken from, without it being recorded.
We might think this sounds dystopian, preventing anyone being appreciated for exceptional contribution to the benefit of the collective, but look, when everyone has large margin of disposable income, we will tend to put what we don't need ourselves towards people and causes we believe in. By that, everyone has the capability of becoming exceptionally rewarded by being recognised by everyone else for exceptional / creative contribution. The money gained in that case would be auditable against the energy in their possesion and this would tally up, because all money transfers between folk would be known, from the point the money is generated, in response to solar energy received.
If all this sounds like gobbledy-gook to you, I suggest to read up on solar indexed stimulus, or "Kardashev Money" (same thing).
Its what we are in process of moving to, even if we don't quite realise it yet, this is what is being forced by nature, and actually the only way we will rescue the energy value of money, which is what always matters, priced in markets as so many KWhrs per token.