Interesting, but its still nothing compared with hydrogen for free without limit, generated by energy given for free without limit, by the sun.
You talk often enough about planetary limits being overstepped or overshot, but ignoring the unlimited capability of free hydrogen from sunlight whilst trying sell natural hydrogen that will have extraction costs, in terms of heat, ties us into running down the energy of the planet, thus overstepping, whilst the majority, or even a controlling minority thinks incorrectly as you do.
This is how the self perpetuating prophecy of energy slavery works. By unwittingly perpetuating it, you are just being a dutiful energy slave, or enslaver. The irony of slavery is that both enslavers and enslaved are unwittingly enslaving ourselves, all of us, to end with a world destroyed for ourselves too, as well as who we enslaved. All are slaves in this system, none have a choice, from richest to poorest. The only thing that can break the chains is free energy, energy that comes at no cost, no labor.
And look, taking from the planet and converting what was not heat, to heat, is the opposite of taking heat and doing things with it which are not heat, as in the case of solar hydrogen.
The temperature impact of doing the former vs the latter is a double whammy, it is pushed (a) by the process of converting things that were not heat, to heat, and (b) by not putting heat from the sun to use as things other than heat.
There are two distinct components of temperature impulse there, which add to the overall temperature rise, but because one involves actively doing something, whereas the other involves stopping doing something, we have to mathematically sign these two energy usages, the energy extracted from the planet, and the energy added to the planet.
This is incredibly important, yet incredibly, conventional science seems to have missed it.
Use of energy extracted is destruction, whilst use of energy added is creation.
Dont you think it's strange that mainstream science never talks about this?