Interesting article. Thanks for posting.
You don't mention if you are in support of the option to legally suicide or not.
Personally I am a pro-lifer, to me there is a very obvious cause of killing, even mass killings underway. When people decide to suicide, they are saving the live system some work, some energy it might have had to expend to get rid of them, after they are seen to no longer contribute to it, the emergent property associated with us operating for profit, each of us individually, all of it 100% dependent on energy extracted from the planet via the dishonest energy lie of profit.
When availabiliy of this energy gets thinner on the ground, is when we see the dramatic increases in death, and shortening of lives. We can even link a persons happiness to their likeliehood of falling ill.
And yet there is a perfectly usable scheme of moving completely, almost instantly, to the infinitely available energy from the sun, using every day technology on a domestic and community basis, to completely eliminate scarcity of energy.
But to do it we would need to start issuing money for free to all people representing this energy, ending most possibilities of profit, and most of the value in capital, and that seems to be the thing it all hinges on, whether or not this is done.
If it isn't done, money continues to dwindle to zero value, and the death rates continue to spiral, when actually all hands will be needed to the pump, after we go photosynthetic as a species, as we have started to do, to pay back our real debt, the energy debt to our planet, despite being culled, probably as a direct response to going energy independent, breaking out of the stranglehold of energy slavers, unwitting or otherwsise, for example in Palestine. The folk doing the culling there do not seem to be aware there is any such thing as a non-human intelligent force that is controlling them, to do what they are doing, they work for it, to ensure its energy supply, not theirs.
We need to realise that to end it, putting all hands to the pump, to put to use as much energy from the sun that would otherwise to to heating the planet, if we didin't use it, since we removed a lot of nature that used to use it.
Its a pretty frustrating situation, knowing this, but still it isn't something that would drive us to suicide, rather the opposite, I find personally, and hope and trust others should do too.
Nature is throwing us a lifeline, that could lead to some very long lives in the future, if we just grab it, instead of just letting armageddon happen by checking out early.
Both killing, and suicide are energy crimes. Both remove valuable souls who could have found some amazing ways to put energy of the sun to use. Putting the energy from the sun to use is creation. I think if we knew were truly creating, by doing as little as possible to put as much energy from the sun to use as possible, this would lead to a very happy, very healthy population, who each live a lot longer than we do now, under increasing, self imposed scarcity of energy, imposed on not only ourselves, but all of nature.
We've got this so messed up we are even looking for more ways to scarcify, like by putting up sun shields. Investors are cueing up to do this, for profit as always.
They still haven't worked out that the more profit is made, the more the temperature has to go up, because the energy in profit has to come from the planet, it can't come from anywhere else, the sun does not respond to a little put in, for more out, it gives what it gives for free, nothing asked in return.
Sorry bit of a rant in response to your sombre analysis, but hopefully you see how it is relevant.