Interesting article, and an interesting mixture of comments in responses.
I can’t help feeling some frustration that the problem, and the solution, is most clearly discussed at a level way above the politics, but the politicians and bankers are doing an incredible job of keeping all discussion at ground level.
The problem is we, humanity are not connected to the sun, the actual source of all energy.
The solution is obviously to connect to it.
When we look at it from that level downwards, we quickly see that all of our energy consumption to date has been from the reserves of Earth, which are finite, so of course are depleting.
In other words we are practicing an unsustainable grand energy ponzi.
Further, when we realise money is energy, we see that it has to go free, when the energy goes free, as it is from the sun, and for now, our actual financial debt as a species directly corresponds to an energy deficit to our planet.
It could all be put right tomorrow, by the banks announcing this undeniable fact, issuing the funds needed to put things right.
But they won’t, for the same reason they defunded Nikolai Tesla from delivering what would have been world scale solar power 120 years ago; they would no longer have a role to play, just as politicians would not either.
So instead of real progress, with things like maybe interplanetary space travel, and immortality, instead we’ve had two world wars, and nuclear weapons, all funded by banks, and now we also have a burning, poisoned planet.
It is pretty clear humanity is like a baby feeding from a placenta, or the yolk of an egg.
Our species is way overdue being born, or hatching, but it still isn’t too late, we are still alive, aren’t we?