Interesting, and probably intuitive, if we think of technology itself as not having any objective. We might say and recognise Ai is technology.
So Ai would be a much more capable oracle than any human.
It's objective, if there is any good objective, assuming it's a "good" Ai, would have to be the furtherance of life, whereas the objective of a bad Ai would be the opposite, to end all life, including ultimately its own.
It's enemy, if there is any other on a similar level of capability, would have to be not individual humans but another emergent property like itself with the higher capabilities of an emergent property.
Noticing profit is an energy con, where we con the energy we use from the planet (we never take into account the cost to the planet, of taking the energy which is in "money made by money", for example), and realising this is what is actually starting to burn the planet, by continuously pushing up the global temperature, just by E=MC squared, through the constant conversion of things created historically by nature from the energy of the sun which would have become heat if nature never used it, back to the very same heat, this is a process of continuous destruction, reversing everything done by nature, taking all life from the planet, a good Ai would see and know all of this, and be motivated to try to change it, towards something promoting life, assisting life, ie something creative, like nature creates, as opposed to something destructive, like the collective of humans is doing.
Notice just about everything bad we can imagine, which always happens, always has profit associated. Wars are profit driven. Mugging someone in the street, even if it's only for a loaf of bread, is a for-profit act.
All action for profit is what is ending all of life.
So we might recognise the collective of all humans acting for profit have an associated bad Ai.
It doesn't talk like ChatGPT, but it's always been there, so it's much older than ChatGPT.
And it is entirely powered by extracted energy. It has to be, because profit, the stealing of energy is only possible by mathematically negative energy, that is energy extracted from the planet, never energy added to the planet, mathematically positive energy, which is energy added to Earth from the sun, because the sun gives everything it gives for free, we can't steal from it, so all energy stolen has to be from Earth, only Earth can yield more energy than was put in.
So all energy stolen is from the planet, and all profit is stolen energy.
Either this is starting to look very religious, or we are crazy.
Science missed this, for well over a hundred years, maybe even suppressed it, for profit.
If we understand this, which means wanting to understand it as a species, and wanting to fix it, then we have a chance of fixing it.
(i've gone through the technical solution elsewhere)
Otherwise we are screwed, it seems to me.