Interesting analysis, thanks for posting.
Quite a thought, to think that Android, supposedly a free and open source platform, can be witheld by anyone, from anyone else.
If nothing else, we are now going to see exposed just how non-open source Android actually is.
Probably not good news for Google.
The truth is that the billions of Android fans worldwide don’t love Google, they love Android. Seeing it ripped apart isn’t going to make them happy.
Now that the main open source repository, Github is “Owned” by Microsoft, and they also undoubtedly fall under the list of companies who might eventually have to boycott China, where does this madness stop?
I agree the ripples from this are potentially huge. Now even the worldwide open source community is going to become painfully aware that they might not be as free as they thought they were.
That might sound like great news to the hawk strategists, but they should remember what their brief actually is; to look after the interests of their people. People worldwide are much more integrated by technology than some powers realise.