Indi you started out so well. I am sure I was one of the first to compliment you and wish you well with youir writing, when you were writing some really good stuff about the truth around covid etc. But this unprovable nonsense expressed here as certainty, especially when I've shown data backed analysis and evidence from the "here and now", isn't doing you any favors dude. Even if it does make you some money from folk falling for it, it does nothing towards helping fix the real physical problem now facing humanity. I expect you will be banning me soon, like "B", when I confronted him/her also with similar personal observations. The truth hurts sometimes, that is why you have 32K followers after only a few years, and I have 1.2K followers after now about six years, yet all my materials are produced from formal Systems Analyses, using tools and experience that cost a lot of money, the problem is what I am saying, in essence that our own profit driven obsession, only relevant to a fueled world, rather than actually an energy driven world, is at the heart of the problem. It often hurts, and folk don't really want to hear that.
I put it to you that by ignoring and attempting to ridicule my information, probably motivated by profit, you are putting your own interests before the interests of humanity.
Again this is a demo, of how profit will, and is ending us, all of us, including you.
If you think this is not happening, look again at the inflation, I've shown what is physically causing it, the energy of the sun, effectively ignored by our economy based on money issued as debt. That energy, creating actual product being put to use, is not being monetised, get it? The only way to monetise it, is to issue money on it for free, because the Joules comprising it came for free, truly, physically, for free.
Or just keep ignoring it, and let the environmental damage continue, and the war efforts continue to default towards nuclear, until when, next year? Next month? Tomorrow? You tell me, you seem to be able to express certainty where there is none.
If you need a quick link where you can check the data and analysis showing proof, it is here: