Indi, you are an incredible writer, one of the best in Medium. I've disagreed with you an a few things, and you do see a big picture, one of the biggest, but with respect, I think you could actually do a lot more if you could just expand it, just a tiny bit more, to take in the full ramifications of all of this, especially on the environment.
You too, and your family will be hammered by the environment, if we allow these events to play out as you've described.
We do have the power to change this, we have the power to minimise the damage done by and to all parties.
Everything is about energy, every lifeform, every cell of every lifeform, and every lifeform comprsing every group of us has the same underlying driver, to minimise the uncertainty of its energy supply.
That means all of us acting for profit, including you and I, are currently working for an intelligence, nobody is in charge of it, it has always been the real one in charge, we can identify individuals at or near the top of both secreat and public hierarchies, but nobody, no human is ever in charge, its a live system in charge, a live entity with its own motivation to minimise the uncertainty of the energy it has available to it. That means grabbing it from wherever it can. This is what drives every tribe, every division, and you are also a member of at least one, we all are, as long as we are dependent on the energy of the planet, not the energy from the environment of the planet, which is the sun, the energy that created everything we know.
A certain amount of economic product from solar has already been created in all countries, hundreds of billions, even Palestein, although the latter has probably now been blasted away, did you notice how may rooftops had solar, and yet Israel had tried to strictly ration and sell their energy to them, all supplied by Israeli companies?
This has to be one of the drivers that drove Isreal to crack, committing the atrocity of wiping out Palestein, the people were slowly but surely becoming energy independent, they no longer cared when Israel deliberately cut off their energy supply because they had their own, from domestic and community solar, the prisoners no longer needed to go across the turnstiles into Israel to get the money they needed to pay for the energy that they were on the hook to pay for. Get it?
Have you noticed the stories coming out now that Israel is experiencing economic difficulty because they lost the work of the Palestinians?
It all adds up to a system of eneryg slavery which is a little disguised by much of the energy changing hands in the form of money, because money is energy, always.
It might be that there are not even any individuals in Israel who knew all of this, but they acted as, and are acting as a live system, an energy agent, which is now fighting for its life.
Now do you get it?
The ultimate end of this game of higher entities using us as its agents, to ransack the planet for energy is the end of all life, this is where it has to go, and this is not something that keeps coming around as some folk think, from the war to war, as we see it at our level, this is on a much longer timescale, we lose all records of history except maybe religious ever time it happens.
If you could switch onto seeing this, as I think you must be capable of doing, you could make a real difference.
The difference is whether or not there will be a world at all for your kids.
We (Humanity) have to start issuing solar indexed stimulus. Somehow we have to convince money issuing authorities this is what has to be done, to put these nagatively powered higher intelligences in control of us, the ones that live on profit, the ones driving us to do all the damage, all the destruction, to sleep forever.
We have to do this sooner rather than later, because the culling, is like taking off the arms and legs of a baby before it is born, it reduces the ability of the baby to do the work it needs to do to repay its energy debt to its mother, like every plant does, after it forms leaves.
We are literally facing a choice, of whether to be born into a creative adult state of the species, or die about now as a species on a burning planet.
I think you know enough to be part of the solution, rather than stay stuck as part of the problem.
Am I right?