Indi very well said, these are my sentiments too almost exactly, congratulations on even getting it circulated, personally I’ve found this subject very very difficult to get circulated, I’ve written more than 2000 times in Medium about it, so now sound like a broken record, though the details have varied, the basic message is the same, we need a fairer system that rewards for the value actually added to our world.
We really can have it, it is very close now. We almost had it, when the first major stimulus was issued, some strange things happened in the markets, that were largely missed, misunderstood, or just plain buried by mainstream media, and even most social media.
On the first issue of massive stimulus, the market prices of assets including both gold and bitcoin languished.
Oil prices actually went negative. That was the first time in history we ever saw negative oil prices. It was probably the first time we ever saw anything negatively priced, ever.
Bankrupt company stocks soared, again a new phenomenon, and the environment made a brief spike of recovery.
Just for a short time, everything worked just the way it should.
Things were being truly valued, according to their true value in our world, the value of things in the absence of profit.
The bankrupt company stocks were all in companies producing things people know and still see value in, regardless of the profitability of the company.
The economy in that time went briefly into a universal donation based mode, rather than profit driven.
Investment values languished because in that moment we didn’t need them, in the presence of abundant free money.
Yes, the wealthy pocketed most of it.
But enough spilled out, to see the effects of free money in the world, and what we saw was a brief flash of Utopia.
Just hardly anyone recognised it for what it was.
All media is profit driven, so anything bad for profit is suppressed, now even automatically, by algorithms designed to do just that, by simply being designed to maximise profit.
Now, we hear the cry “But we can’t afford it”
That, is rubbish, since it is the way nature works, everything in nature is powered by infinite donation from the sun, there never is any shortage of wealth in that system, only the shortage we impose on ourselves as a population, using the pernicicious, addictive, deadly practice of all things for profit.
Through this new lens of how nature actually works, we see how to put right, what is wrong, and has been wrong for thousands of years.
No- one disputes that energy is interchangeable with currency, information, and matter. We know that from science.
But profit driven science ignores, and even denies, that we have extracted energy from our planet forever, to gain from profit, whilst ignoring that it all came from the sun in the first place, for free.
As such, we treat our planet like a cage in which we are locked, with finite resources, hence the reason conventionally we notionally fix the supply of money in the global economy to some static value.
All bad things have been seen to happen, when that rule has been broken, and money supply has run away in isolated countries, countries isolated by embargo, as was the Weimar, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Iran, etc.
So a huge fear of this happening in all countries exists, hence the reason we see all governments warning of disaster, if the money supply is allowed to run away.
That is even the reason Bitcoin was invented, at least what it says on the tin.
But now, Bitcoin is gobbling up more than a country worth of electrical power, to keep minting the last few coins.
In order to keep coin minting a profitable business, it has naturally gravitated towards the cheapest long term source, solar.
Finally, solar power is directly connected to our global economy.
Now we see the reality of continuous free energy from the sun, being wound into the world economy.
So it is no longer fixed, it can, and absolutely should be allowed to run away, because what goes out has to equal what goes in, otherwise we get fat, just like anything living in nature.
That truth is masked, whilst bitcoin continues to be minted, thus keeping all of the free solar energy offline, but soon all possible bitcoin will have been minted, and the free solar energy it currently consumes will come online.
In the meantime, we could have free money needed to complete the expansion of solar energy to what is needed to fuel the world, by acknowledging the existing human debt actually represents a deficit to our planet, for the energy we’ve removed from it in the history of humanity.
That is all the energy ever profited from, since solar ultimately can never be at profit, it is donated to us for free from the sun.
All we need to do is issue an IOU, for the value of human debt, to our planet, and have that subtracted from by future solar energy.
That will drive our final transition from an economy of controlled scarcity, to a new inifinite donation economy, all sourced from the sun, like all things in nature.
All sounds crazy, to those who don’t want change, but to those of us who do, it is inevitable, it is survival, and it is pretty damn cool, no-one loses, everyone gains, all of humanity.
I too was a David Graeber fan, he is sadly missed, and probably saddest of all, that he missed seeing the world he wanted by such a small time.
It is almost with us.
All we need to do is keep demanding the free money.
Everything else will follow, automatically.