Indi this is a great story, well milked, thanks for posting.
But why fly, if it makes you so sad? I admit to being involved in the design of many of the things you see as terrible - Airports, Aeroplanes, And all the infrastructure supporting them.
But it was good before the oil started getting scarce, and the pollution abundant, wasn't it? Aren't you glad you could fly at all?
Anyhow, I think you mentioned there are fewer now flying. Airlines flying half full won't keep running with no profit, as it stands, it is destined to all grind to a halt, because of the problem with financial inflation, which is itself also related to the shortage of extracted energy.
But like I mentioned before, everything lost by the extracted energy business, and actually more, is being taken up by solar.
The economic energy product is still there, as if we were still at peak use of fossil fuels but it has not been monetised, hence it is masked, and the money holders and issuers don't want you / us to know, because when that game is up, money has to go free, to reflect that the energy being received is for free, and that means the end of most value in capital.
The solar hydrogen ecology that I mentioned to you before, is happening, driven by nature. There appears no way around this. We can see it by comparing utilities energy supply data with population increase in all developed countries.
Isn't indicative of anything at all to you, that firstly use of solar for anything, is not bad for Earth? It does not subtract from Earth, but adds to it. If we do something with it, I mean anything, then what is added is not heat.
Then if we generate hydrogen from it, this replaces fossil fuels, and actually also all batteries, again with none of the pollution.
There you should see the sustainable world that follows. Below is some more evidence that hydrogen for aerospace is coming soon, to an airport near you. I wouldn't be surprised if we see Concorde added back into the choices in a very short time, because it is only one of many things stopped due to lack of profit, but that we can do at pretty much no cost, after we start to correctly monetise solar.
You'll be even happier to know that Ai looks like the perfect controller, for issuing the money needed to all people, in response to the energy coming into the human economy via domestic and community solar farms. This is before we've added the benefit of hydrogen backup.