Indeed we have to question why stories like this, the truth, seem to elicit so little attention. I have some theories about that, but can't publicise those without drawing attention away from the hard facts of reality, that we really need to be able to see, as a species. The hard physical fact is that we are depleting the energy of Earth by continually withdrawing all of the energy that sustains us from the Earth, by way of our economy, which does not actually monetise energy itself, only fuel (or other forms of stored energy) which yields a little energy which is monetised, but takes no account of the energy that went into creating the material (or other storage medium) destroyed.
Mass delusion, and war, are just manifestations of the effect of this true energy depletion, it seems to me, so I worry things can't get better; the delusion, and all of the other harm that comes with it, will not be fixed as long as the energy depletion continues, and all the while, the effect on climate escalates exponentially.
This has to be the biggest challenge ever faced by our species.
How to fix such a fiendish problem?
I don't know, but somehow, "defence" spending has to be redirected towards pulling in real energy from the only source of it, the sun.
Only with that energy can we do constructive work, which adds to the work done by nature, rather than work which subtracts from it (Our current mode).
By that, capital will finally be devalued, defusing its incredibly harmful power, it seems to me.