Indeed now it's becoming clear there is not much difference between profit and theft, Trump was honest enough to admit the US goes abroad for oil, preferably at minimum cost, maximum profit. Look at all the corporates wreaking havoc on the planet and humanity, all for profit, all for energy.
Who can blame the Houtis for doing what the US has shown everyone how to do. Morally the US, and actually UK, has no moral ground left, no support in the rest of the planet for their continued domination of the energy theft we do on the planet, it's all coming home to roost now. The New Year is going to see some very big changes, it seems to me, though I've been proven wrong saying this for the past few years, it is coming to a head now, Armageddon has already started.
I keep writing how to dodge it by starting to pay back what is an energy debt to the planet, instantly defusing all wars, if only they could see sense.
Hey ho, onwards, come what might, bring on the new year, last one was the worst in my memory of now sixty years, next will surely be better.