Indeed, mastodon looks pretty cool, and let's decentralise.
I hope we won't forget to include energy.
Solar is naturally distributed. There are traditional centralised industrialists who argue solar isn't practical because it can't supply big centralised industry. They might even be right, but they are missing the point, it doesn't have to, if everything is decentralised, then solar is perfectly fine to power all things, most communities have access to the local and surrounding real estate necessary to generate their power needs, and the ones that don't can get the extra energy they need to cover their requirements by local trading of hydrogen in return for things like drinking water, which is automatically produced during hydrogen consumption...
Further, such a decentralised system will remove pretty much all "Bullshit Jobs" (David Graeber).
But best of all, everyone has to get a UBI in such a system, as a direct result of all things being solar powered, money-as-debt becomes irrelevant in presence of significant solar power.
So all mastodon platforms should try to become solar powered, if they are not already.
Consider this, say you have your own community solar hydrogen installation; now lets say you find you are generating more hydrogen than you need, to back up your electrical community microgrid.
It would make sense to dispose of this extra hydrogen to other communities nearby, or even passing transport, who might need it.
So that extra hydrogen is converted to revenue, one way or another.
You also want your community Mastodon server to be as popular as possible, so you use the effectively free money you got from excess hydrogen, to offer incentives to users, to draw them into your Mastodon server. They get paid a little money just for subscribing, and you can do this forever, if you put a little more free money towards maintaining and even scaling up your solar capacity, thus ensuring longevity of all things.
See now you would have a money-fuel tree.
With lots of other money-fuel trees around, the system just gets stronger.
Enough memberships of enough free servers means free money for everyone, no need for anyone to do bullshit jobs, or commit crime, so no need for mega police forces, or even a significant legal system, communities become self policing with no economic drivers of crime, and so on, affecting all things. See where it leads?