Frederick Bott
3 min readMar 22, 2024


Indeed, it's bullshit business (Graeber - "Bullshit jobs" extended).
We can see it very clearly from a Systems point of view.
Money is energy, always, physically.
When money makes money, or when a little energy expended as labor is returned with more energy in the form of money, energy has to have been gained from somewhere, since energy can't be created or destroyed, just shunted around between various forms and places.
It generally gets shunted through every supply chain, from the point where the chain interfaces to the planet, to the financiers supplying the whole thing by money issued as debt, which is a promise to do work, the work of energy extraction.
We might see this as actually energy slavery which robs energy from places already made poor by it, to places already enriched by it.
Hence energy colonialism.
Actually all colonialism is energy colonialism, all slavery is energy slavery, it always was, we just never recognised it.
And the cost of doing it is always to the planet at cost of rising temperature, because what we are doing in the most general sense is converting things which were not heat, to heat, for profit, because the only thing that can provide more energy out than in for any length of time is the planet.
And what do all the companies and organisations work for, if it isn't for profit, how can they get paid, how can they live?
The truth is CO2 generation is not a cause of anything, it's a symptom of the process of converting carbon based fuels to heat.
The real heating process is the conversion of things that were not heat, to heat. We got an extreme case of confirmation bias, due to the conflict of interest of having to do all things at profit, which has resulted in us systemically ignoring a basic fact about the nature of our atmosphere, it's adiabatic, meaning that pouring heat into it causes it to expand, rather than increase temperature, the gas just gets thinner, pashing the volume up. There is a slight rise of temperature in response to the added heat energy, but this does not reflect correctly the added heat energy, we can't measure it just by just monitoring temperature we have to monitor things like atmospheric density and volume in addition.
We model it as the bottle in the original lab experiment, with volume constrained, and we ignored the gas thermodynamics being mostly adiabatic in the atmosphere, and we ignore the heat energy put into the atmosphere from the Earth during all energy and product refinement processes, since the latter does not impact profit, and we conclude a certain small amount of energy was liberated to the atmosphere, this multiplied by the "blanket effect" of CO2, but there is no blanket effect, because the atmosphere is adiabatic, constrained only by gravity, no rigid bottle, there is virtually no temperature rise for added heat energy, only a very small fraction, reflecting the very loose effect of gravity retaining gas on the planet.
Anyhow I only scratched the surface here, it's something I've been working on now for seven years as formerly a long practicing Systems Engineer, it's the most complex system we can imagine, and we screwed it up.
But there is hope in the form of solar powered Ai. Actually much more than hope, it's coming through the system like a bowling ball, just not many folk seeing it yet, like not many such as your good self realising the stupidity of the bullshit industry of carbon mitigation, amongst other things, all for profit. It won't be long now until we will be doing what is needed, nature apoears to be forcing it via solar powered Ai, it's assimilating us, unless we choose to recognise it and work with it, it's almost funny to see how stupid folk look, thinking they know best how everything works, then they squalk when they realise Ai is coming for them and their jobs and industries, and if they don't stop squalking and just look what it is demanding we do, they will get assimilated whilst they squalk, it will replace them, squalking and all, so we never even noticed.
I know, sounds crazy but is it?
Either way it's kind of funny whether you laugh at me, or those doing the squalking, it's kind of funny. Nature actually has a great sense of humor, if we can see it.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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