Indeed, it is possible, using formal systems Engineering techniques, to confirm and see the current problems without needing to look at the data, which only confirms the conclusion - we are hitting physical limit which is immovable, but worse, it is directly profit related.
The World Bank, if they have any sense of what is really going on, in terms of energy, and how this relates to our use of money, should realise they are in a unique position to be able to do something very profound, which would put an instant halt to the madness, it would be seen as something of a miracle I guess, even though it was missed, or pushed under the carpet before - issue of massive stimulus is what needs to be done to activate / monetise the actual wealth / economic product already created from solar energy, this is the only way to retain any value in their money, it has to come to represent the Joules coming from the sun, rather than the Joules take from the Earth.
Use of the energy of the sun cools the Earth, use of energy taken from Earth, heats the Earth. The former is creation, the latter is destruction. It's that simple, and this is an unmoveable physical fact, we only need E=MC squared to work it out.
Profit monetises and incetivises taking energy from the planet, debt is a requisition to take energy from the planet, because only the planet can yield the energy gained by profit - money is energy, always, priced in markets per KWhr.
The sun can't be "tricked" to give more than it gives, it gives it all for free already. Debt is an energy con, where we take much more from the Earth than we account for, and the part not accounted for contributes to more heat rise than we have ever audited.
The net conversion of fossil fuels, to heat, since we started doing it, probably accounts for the vast bulk of heat energy that we should recognise exists on the planet. Did anyone ever take the time to caclulate what the heat impulse is? Why not? Because it would have impacted the abilities of fossil fuel based utilities energy suppliers to make profit.
Well it didn't come for nothing, here we are seeing the ultimate price, we either start paying it back the only way we can, by using as much solar as it takes to replace what we took by extraction, or we pay the ultimate price, our existence, and actually the existence of all life on Earth, that much hangs on it.
What decision will the money issuers make? That is the question that should be on all our minds, it seems to me, it is up to them now they know this.
Anyone who thinks the right decision would not stop war should think again, everyone would down tools and weapons in shock, at least for a short while, to contemplate what had just been announced, that all debts are forgiven, and everyone, even all "Criminals" are to be given substantial solar indexed funds, to give them/us all unconditional means to contribute to the energy revolution that has to come next, the real war that we should all be fighting, the war against further energy extraction, and towards maximising use of the energy of the sun.
Btw, the more souls are lost in wars, the less hands there are left, to "Man the pump". Hence probably the reason there is a rule somewhere that says we shouldn't do that.