Indeed, if nothing changes (people), then I agree we should expect collapse from overshoot, and inevitably far worsening environmental deterioration.
But it is completely unnecessary, fully avoidable.
People have been propagandised to believe the way we are doing things is the only way, but it is not the way of nature.
We are the only creatures in nature which hoard to actively mass prevent fellows of our own species from getting the energy we all personally need, even to the point of death.
We don't do sharing, and that is the part which we should now see is existential.
Those with effectively infinitely more than they personally need, are enabled and even encouraged to use the power they have by it, to keep adding to it, subtracting from all others in an artificially perceived zero sum system, literally to the point of starvation, even though a minority can see and prove that the system is not zero sum at all, the majority seemingly refuse to see or believe that solid, physical information, far less understand it.
The term "Renewable Energy" itself is propaganda, perpetuated by the established wealthiest in the system, which masks physical reality, by bundling up some forms of extracted energy with the only truly non-extracted energy, which we should be using, as it is the only one truly capable of sustainably feeding the energy needs of all humanity.
It is the same one as used by all of nature, the sun.
The propaganda has the majority believe that this is not true, but it could be changed in an instant, if those with the power to change it, those holding almost all capital, together with those who have the power to issue money, wished to change it.
All they need to do is start issuing money for free. Large quantities of money for free.
But they argue this will devalue money, again repeating the mantra "Nothing is for free", claiming if such money was issued, the currency devalues, when exactly the opposite is true, we've even seen evidence of that by it being demonstrated, but still the majority are propagandised into not seeing it.
However markets are not fooled, this might be the mechanism that finally forces the issue.
The value of all money witheld on this basis is disappearing, because it is increasingly becoming less representative of the most valuable thing we can imagine, given it created everything we know, the energy of the sun.
Since all money is still officially witheld, all money is devaluing, whilst the amount of solar energy being put to use continues to scale up, now at tens of Gigajoules per second in every developed country, yet still only 10% of our respective energy requirements. We see the results as inflation.
That will continue, until the system collapses, on the current trajectory, within only a few years.
Like the rate of environmental destruction that you mentioned, the rate of inflation can't be overestimated, as long as the money required to honestly represent the donated energy received from the sun is not given out.
Since the energy is donated, so also must the money be donated.
As long as they refuse to do that, we are headed for increasingly more planetary destruction, disaster, and destitution as a species.
All of it, is now unnecessary.