Indeed, if it is true that the sun really does burn hydrogen. But how do you know? What tests have been done to prove this one way or another? It is a theory that the sun burns irreplaceable hydrogen, but we don't actually know. How do you know the sun is not actually a white hole?
And in any case, what we are interested in is the temperature on Earth. This is the local system, and the one that matters, the one in which we will burn, if we disobey the basic law of nature that says energy is the currency of nature, the sun is the only issuer and enforcer of it, we either use it, or burn. This is the law we have to obey, and it is being screamed at us by nature right now, just not many can hear it, but we all hear it in our souls, do we not. Are we happy whilst we destroy instead of create? Does this make you happy?
This is the lab test that proves the numerical relationship between information creation / destruction, and temperature / entropy: