Indeed, I think you are voicing the thoughts of the vast majority of people now, we are seeing the vaccine drive for what it became; a money grab which cost millions of lives.
I was all for vaccines, before we had them, and rejoiced when I saw they were being developed. But my heart sank when we saw it turn into a business, and the various efforts become isolated from one another, competing, and even trying discredit one another's good work, and worst of all, actively preventing access from folk who obviously really needed it, in places like India, for no other reason than to protect "Intellectual property" which actually belongs to the public, all in the interests if profit. Profit can only be made between divisions, and how could vaccines only addressing specific divisions of humanity ever eliminate the virus anyway? I was shocked to first hear a scientist working on vaccines concede that we would never defeat it. Yet, that is what the initial driver of vaccines was, an intent to kill the virus, before it could kill us, that is why we inspired and supported vaccines to go ahead in the first place. But that would have required a worldwide coordinated effort. I chose not to take any part in it myself after it went profit driven. I thought even then that they would see some value in studying the voluntarily unvaccinated, as a control group, to compare the results with those of vaccinated folks, to confirm how effective the vaccines were. I thought that was a reasonably honorable decision, to be such a volunteer. But they spun it, the profit driven scientists and medical professionals, to make the unvaccinated look like the opposite, the devil incarnate, something to be ashamed of, when all along, vaccinated folk displaying less symptoms and yet infected, were far more effective carriers than we who's immune systems would show untainted, honest response.
I stopped talking about it, after it became something I could be banned for even giving my real opinion on.
Now, I have been ill several times, with vaccinated people all around me, ill, before me, and testing positive. I isolated when ill, but I never tested positive myself, despite testing many times throughout with both PCR and lateral flow.
If I, and others no doubt similar to me, happen to be successfully fighting it off somehow naturally, there might be something to learn from a study of our immune systems, but no-one will ever carry out that study, because it will never be funded in a world that refuses to see the carnage caused by profit, at least until Kardashev Money is issued.
The trillion dollar question is, when will it be issued?