Indeed I live in UK too. But if you know my stories, it is all about fixing the problem.
I am a long practicing systems Engineer starting on this after stumbling across it during PhD candidate research work in 2017. I saw this coming since then, folk think its all about money when it isn't, its all about energy and where we get it from.
And it isn't just a problem in UK, it is all over the world.
All places are finding further extraction of energy allmost unworkable, because we are starting to use non extracted energy.
Even science doesn't undertstand this, I should know, I've had to learn enough of it in ten years study when I started out in Engineering, 30 odd years ago.
Energy should be mathematically signed at source, positive from source (the sun), negative at sink (the Earth).
Do that and it propagates mathematically to all things, and we see distinctly different effects on economy by different kinds of energy.
Negative energy is destruction, positive energy is creation.
It was never possible to truly add value and therefore generate real wealth using energy extracted from Earth. It could only be done long enough to concentrate some wealth on the technology we needed to begin collecting positive energy.
Now we are beginning to collect that energy, it is causing havoc with the ecinomy, until we do the next crucial step, that is to issue free money on the Joules coming in from the sun.
That has to be done because money as debt can't monetise Joules received for free, yet those Joules convert to all kinds of valuable commodity which adds to markets.
So as the solar power scales up, and utilities compnanies scale down, money is literally coming to represent nothing.
Hence the inflation we are seeing worldwide.
So the times of "class" are coming to an end, though still most don't realise it, they will, because the money will keep devaluing until the do the only thing possible to save themselves, and everyone surviving to that point; issue free money to all people.
The proof of this is in the utilities data of developed countries, compared with population increase.
Every person physically requires around 100 Watts minimum to live.
Working people need 150. Athletes need several hundred. Multiply the mean by the population and we see a relationship which should roughly track population growth.
It did until 2005 or thereabouts, since then it has diverged. Utilities energy supply in UK is down by 20% whilst the population has gone up by 10%
So every year, utilities has seen their business shrink.
This year the difference between the business it would have had if extracted energy was sustainable and still tracking population growth, in terms of revenue, and what it actually has because of the necessary change to positive energy, is 50 Bn.
Since 2005, the total revenue lost by utilities, yet valuable product put to use by domestic and community solar is 457 Bn. Every year this continues that total accumulates. What it represents is the anount of money that has to be issued to bring the economy back into line with product created.
I call it Kardashev Money in the bank.
Every year it is not issued, will be progressively worse, multiplied by the price being charged to the public by utilities for energy.
Doubling the price of energy as has just hapoened in UK, with more increases schefuled, means at least 100 Bn added to the total next year, with corresponding greater impact on inflation.
It is no coincidence that this years Kardashev stipend happens to be the same amount of money being demanded by government of uk people via increase of taxes.
They are demanding what they should be paying, this year alone, and they don't realise this because science failed to put the mathematical sign on energy.
There is much more on all of this in my other stories, for anyone who cares to look.
Just be aware this will come to force issue of massive free money in every country, nature is driving it with more force than we can imagine.
The class wars, and in fact all wars, are ending, or humanity ends, right here.