Indeed geoengineering is the stupidest most evil idea ever devised, given also the delusion that a CO2 blanket exists. How can that be true if the atmosphere is adiabatic, as it definitely is?
The for-profit system is the thing at fault, its the thing destroying the planet. The energy in profit is energy extracted from the planet, along with a much larger portion thrown straightaway to heat. This is what is increasing temperature and thus entropy. The only way to stop it, actually reverse it, is stop the business for profit, and the only way to do that is start monetising the only energy that can be used to decrease entropy, the energy of the sun, by creating things with it other than the heat it becomes if not used, like hydrogen from electrolysis to keep all aerospace fueled and airborne, just like it was in the heyday of oil, but without the pollution and destruction.
Start issuing solar indexed stimulus and all else falls into place. Domestic and community solar will expand to fill all the gaps.
By that we will be monetising and rewarding for creation rather than destruction as it currently is now.