Indeed but you are missing the point, if you can't see that Bitcoin, and any proof of work tokens, when solar powered, do the job of physically transforming Joules of free energy received from the limitless external source that is the sun, into valuable work product done on Earth, with no pollution.
That is the opposite of the work of extraction, which always generates pollution.
We could do the same with the issue of fiat currency, if the money issuers were inclined, and we even saw this before, when $4Tn per month was issued, we saw the only spike of recovery in the environment, ever, and oil prices go negatve, the only commodity to do so ever, all whilst the dollar value itself went up, not down.
But then they lost their privelige to call all the shots in markets, just then we were seeing something like democracy for all people, the power to make real change.
Of course it had to stop, they had to regain their power to call all the shots.
So we will see fiat money continue to devalue, until it is issued to honestly reflect the actual donated product coming in, again.