Incredible roundup Jared, thanks for posting.
You probably will have guessed, the biggest story for me was the one on concerns of European solar manufacturers, thanks for catching it, I didn't know.
But it makes perfect sense, if we want to cripple an opponent, go for their energy supply.
And the opposite applies, if we want to empower a friend, boost their energy supply.
I remember reading a story a few years ago, before 2019, about China gifting some solar farms to Cuba.
I don't think Cuba could have done much useful with them because there was no sign of them when I visited Cuba in the few years following, and we've heard since of the energy shortages experienced by Cuba.
So I guess they maybe didn't have the hydrogen technology needed with the solar seed, to grow their initial solar installations to something that might have come to power the whole country. Or maybe the Cuban government just didn't want to empower the Cuban people that much, who knows.
Anyhow, the problem of European solar power manufacturers, since it is something imposed by a government, not market forces, it really has only one sensible response, if we are concerned at all with empowering ourselves in Europe (Including UK!) rather than allowing ourselves to starve of energy.
The EU solar industry should be subsidised as a top priority.
This could be done as I've been writing about, with a gifted subsidy, indexed to the amount of economic product already created by solar historically.
Doing that would benefit the value of money no end, since it is suffering badly from long term non-monetisation of solar economic product created.
It has to be, how can money not representing the only growing energy product continue to hold any value at all?
We should not be surprised to be seeing the value of money rapidly disappearing meantime.