In this article you used logic up until this last part, where you expressed belief.
It was true at one time that taxing was needed, to take money from some folk, giving to others. It was a zero sum game, but it isn't any longer, physically.
Money is just abstracted energy, and a lot of energy is coming into the global economy now for free, given by the sun for free, nothing asked in return.
It is our failure to issue money to reflect the physical product created by that, which is the real physical reason for the inflation.
The only way to issue money for product created for free is to issue the money for free.
Otherwise it just ties us into more extraction which is energy extracted from the planet, and thus more temperature rise.
Nature is more or less screaming at us, start issuing money for free or else, burning planet.
So it's no longer true folk have to lose hard earned money to others.
Everyone will get the benefit of solar indexed stimulus, as soon as banks / governments start issuing it.
Nature insists.