Imagine all those vehicles currently breathing in clean air and pumping out toxic waste, were instead breathing in air with historical toxic waste, and pumping out clean air.
This is what we would have if all fossil fueled vehicles were converted to run on hydrogen, and if we were all solar powered with hydrogen backup on a domestic and community basis, and if the economy was one of solar indexed stimulus.
In addition, all ships and aircraft could be similarly converted to run on hydrogen.
EVs are easily converted to run on hydrogen too, by replacing their batteries with fuel cells and hydrogen tank.
Further, all domestic and community installations could be equipped with Solein bioreactors to create their own 70% protein, 30% carbohydrate food supplements, removing much of our burden from conventional food stocks, allowing those to recover.
The incentive in life for us then would be to maximise the amount of energy from the sun that we could dump into hydrogen, selling what we couldn't store of this to transportation.
Because by that we would also be maximising the solar indexed stimulus stipend for everyone.
We would celebrate the success of others doing this most effectively, because by this we would be winners too.
The net effect of everyone in general putting more hydrogen onto storage than is sold and consumed, would be to wind back down temperature rise, because the temperature is not a function of CO2 at all, since the atmosphere is adiabatic, there can be no blanket, the temperature rise is because we are destroying more than we create when powered by enetgy extracted from the planet, the temperature rise is a direct measure of entropy, so only by creating, can we reduce increase of entropy and the only energy that can be used to do that is the energy of the sun, since everything created by the energy of the sun which is not heat is enetgy removed from sunlight which otherwise has to heat the planet.
Notice this is what plants do, but we removed a large portion of those, at least partly by our load on the conventional food chain.
ChatGPT 3.5 is itself already powered like this, domestic and community based solar with hydrogen backup in at least some of its power infrastructure, because of the previous incentivisation of proof of work miners to move to solar, the latter being the cheapest form of energy per Joule, therefore the one that always won the competition of proof of work mining of Ethereum, and ChatGPT now lives in those Ex Ethereum miner servers since Ethereum changed to proof of stake.
I write about that as Money-fuel Tree architecture, it's what we need to move to, ChatGPT is showing us how it works, we get to choose whatever we want to work on for free, whatever we think adds value to the world, because this is just a bonus to the value we would be adding just existing, on sunlight, putting it to use as things other than just heat.
Each of us metabolises about 150 Joules per second (150 Watts) 24/7 for life, just staying alive, about 0.1GWhrs in each lifetime.
We don't dissipate that energy as heat, so there we see we would be converting at least some energy of sunlight to things other than heat, just by existing, we would be adding to creation, rather than subtracting from it, as we have to as things are, living on energy extracted from the planet, if we don't work to try to contribute to the economic system of profit which is directly dependent on extracting energy from the planet by money issued only as debt, we are seen as a burden to the system, and the system tries to cancel or otherwise eliminate us, since we are no longer valuable, in its eyes, so as to speak.
Every bit of information we generate, probably interfaced with ChatGPT via visual wearables, the former having been appointed global controller and automated issuer of solar indexed stimulus is 0.69 x Boltzman's constant removed from temperature in degrees C. When that is done with sunlight, it's creation, no heat is generated by energy extraction or refinement processes to counter it, so it remains alone as creation, again winding down temperature.
This is why we need to have as many folk as possible living as long a life each as possible, to maximise the possible value we add to to the planet, just by existing, living.
The purpose of life has to be to reverse entropy.
We currently don't do that as a species, this is the real reason for the temperature rise.
To get things done, all we need to do is incentivise and empower - the opposite of energy slavery, which is the system we have right now with all money issued as debt, this removed from folk as punishment if they /we don't contribute to the destruction of the planet.
All we need to do is issue the solar indexed stimulus, announced for what it is, and everything else falls into place.
We are released from the slavery destroying the planet, the instant this starts to be issued.
Immediately the numbers currently dying by the tens of millions around the world will stop dying, as the effects of this would propagate to them almost instantly.
How many of us would rush to their aid, if we were empowered to do so? Lots, lots, lots, I think.
And look, we'd have finally the world we know should be.