If you agree the exercise is about money, as John says, and that this is just one cut, of thousands being carried out every day, in every article ever written, every word spoken, maybe you can see how in time it will actually change our account of history, and in fact actually already has, causing the most critical analyses of our times to be completely lost, allowing the atrocities of history to repeat over and over, even wiping out ancient technology, all of it for money as profit, to create dialog which is not truth, but just an advertisement, containing a fraction of the previous truth, all for profit which itself is dependent on extracting energy from Earth, which is physically, mathematically unsustainable, which we now have great difficulty actually seeing, it doesn't look so good, I think.
You maybe believe this age is better than past ages, but that belief is based on all remaining accounts of history, which have been modified by the need for all accounts to be compatible with keeping the authors financially solvent.
You were lucky enough not to be born into grinding poverty or slavery, which still exists, but is never talked about in advertisements, but if you were, I don't think you would have the same opinion of the world being a better place than it ever was before, you would be wondering how folk living in the more fortunate parts of the world can be so callous, as to not be interested in helping them, or actually helping them in any way, rather than bribing or bullying their criminal leaders with "Business", to keep shipping out their resources to the richer countries, or bombing their countries if those leaders don't acquiesce. I wonder if you would see this, in a non-profit world, the world we seem to be finally moving to, as a physical result of going solar powered, as the energy becomes free, so must also the money become free, removing our need to colonise for our existence. I wonder if you would want such a world, as it might make you realise and acknowledge, how wrong you / we all were, in being completely blinded to the errors of, and the gross inhumanity of our ways.