If you accept the principal of Austrian Economics, that all issue of money must be reflected by issue of product, and vice-versa, in order to see maximum value in the issued money, and that the Joules of energy added to Earth from the sun that we put to use, collected by solar farms, those Joules converted to Solein or Hydrogen fuel for example, is continuously flowing, physical product, which is additional to the existing capital of Earth, therefore something money should be issued to reflect, and then note that no money has ever been issued on this, or for the Joules received and put to use in any other way, here we see a reason why money, all money is devaluing, because now as the many tens of GigaWatts of solar energy in use in all countries continues to scale up, the flow of that solar product continues to accumulate as nascent, un-monetised, valuable product, which itself is more valuable than money, or any kind of capital, since capital is a constant, whilst this accumulates more and more with time, maybe you can see that there is a break in the system here, that this is the reason we have inflation, and the only way around it is for money issuers to begin issuing free money to all people, even that they have to do this sooner or later in order to be able to preserve the value of their currencies, but by doing so, they will consign pretty much all value of capital to zero, because in the end, no-one needs capital in the presence of ubiquitous free money.
Can you see this is something very significant, which applies only to solar, because the energy from the sun is the only one pushed to us for free, in other words, donated to us, and that is the only kind of energy which adds Joules to the Joules already exisiting on Earth?
It isn't a simple concept, at first, but after we see it, it can never be unseen.
Logically, this is the reason whey Nikola Tesla was defunded by JP Morgan, his only funder, 120+ years ago, when Tesla informed Morgan his goal was to deliver the free energy of the sun to all people, and free energy meant free money for all people. Tesla obviously didn't understand Morgan's interest was not that of humanity, as Morgan maybe claimed, it was actually only in his own interest, at the expense of all humanity, the archetypal, colonial mindset.
And here we are, two wars, a third one cooking, nuclear weapons, multiple pandemics, global pollution, and the climate problem, arguably all down to the personal capital aspirations of Morgan.
Maybe you can see now why it is so important we have to hatch out of the unsustainable grand energy Ponzi egg shell which is capitalism, to hatch and move onto energyism - nature is forcing our hand, we can go with it and prosper, or continue to resist, until we perish within the eggshell, like a chicken that failed to hatch, all it would ever know was that it ran out of resources, it would never realise all it had to do was hatch out of the egg shell which confined it, in order to grow to an adult, enjoying more resources than it ever could within the shell.
Did you notice that the dollar went up in value, when 4Tn stimulus per month was issued in US, at the same time as oil prices went negative, the first time in history?
Tens of millions will take to the streets when they no longer can afford to eat, or put roofs over their heads. They will demand free money, and they'll get it, and again we will see the currencies issued recovering in value, the fish stocks recovering, the environment recovering, the oil price going negeative, and maybe then, we'll work out the real reason why, then throw our own free money towards building up what is left to build of the complete solar coverage we need to survive as a species.
I trust absolutely this will happen, the only question is when, and how much more misery we will have to endure until then.