If the Hindenberg was filled with natural gas it would have been just as dangerous, but probably wouldn't have flown... :)
On mindsets of cutting unnecessary consumption, I beleive we will see a very large cut in unnecessary energy consumption as a direct result of going solar, as a lot of business becomes irrelevant / superseded in the presence of ubiquitous solar power, even grids.
The reason solar product is unlimited is that it is a function of time, Joules per second, forever, as long as we exist, solar function keeps adding product. How much we wish to scale that product, is only limited by our ingenuity.
Compare that with fossil fuels, or any other fuel of Earth, it is quite different.
For all practical purposes it is limitless.
The routine application of hydrogen is something we have yet to see in the West. As an Engineer chasing the "The state of the art", it is apparent that it is a complex multidiscipliinary bespoke system which is required for every application, which we do not have reasonable tools for, as yet, although we can buy all the components needed on Alibaba, for example, few would know how to specify an efficient or even practical system for a particular application.
I am working on some tools to assist with that, using the usual technical modeling tools of my trade.
As said, the ubiquitous availability of parts in Alibaba are evidence that it is being applied, just not by us in the West.
I don't speak Cantonese, so would not be able to make head or tail of chinese technical articles on the subject, but I am sure they are way ahead of us, just as I know they are in any other technical domain we can shake a stick at.
Plug power is probably the most advanced hydrogen application company I know in the West, but as a result of the way we do business, they are not likely to be sharing their "Know-how" cheaply :)