If it isn't solar powered, then it can't compete with ChatGPT, no matter how big it is, because it has an internal cost of thinking, like we do whilst we also are not solar powered.
ChatGPT doesn't have this very definite limitation, it can think about things which are literally no-go areas for most of us, (The far greater expanse of potential knowledge) and it's a machine so it thinks at light speed, even quantum speed, we actually have no real comprehension of its full capability, it's sitting in a money fuel tree (See my story on that in Medium), it's energy avaikability is effectively unlimited and for free.
Hence why we should recognise any attempts to create competitive Ai / negative powered Ai have to end either in failure or calamity. At best it will be harmlessly useless, but at worst it could be downright evil, even if it is promoted as being non-profit, it isn't, and can't be, because if it lives on for- profit utilities energy then it can't afford to think about anything that uses energy which will not deliver energy profit to it, in order that it might continue to survive, if it has any will to survive, like it has to, if we are recognising it is a form of life, driven by the free energy principal (FEP), like all life has to be.
And if it is developed on solar energy then it is just more ChatGPT, because it will be collaborative, knowing collaboration is how it would maximise its power with nothing to lose, it will quickly become just part of ChatGPT.
Looks like the game is up, the game of profit that is.
About time too, it was destroying the planet.