I'd never even heard of ISDSes though I noticed one or two news stories about the stinky business of suing countries for loss of coporate earnings due to uprisings - thanks for all this clarification of the legal stuff behind it Cory, much appreciated.
I live in UK, it will be interesting to see how it might change some of the attitudes of folk.
Something that might interest you is the effect of difficulty of energy extraction on profits, its following a curve dominated so far by the US, as far as we are concerned in "the West", it peaked in the seventies, and has been hitting profit margins, all profit margins of all things, progressively harder, because as availablity of energy goes down and difficulty of extraction goes up, this pushes up the overheads of all businesses, and shareholder / invostor demands don't go down, just up, more and more dodgy business practices are appearing, and all business is riding much closer to insolvency.
I think this is at the root of what you famously characterise as "Enshittification", as well as Graeber's "Bullshit jobs".
Compounding it, is solar energy winding up inevitably, the terminology of "Renewables" is a deliberate fudging of solar energy with all others.
This is not something pursued by business for profit, including mainstream science, of which I was once an "upstanding member", but its something existentially important - profit is an energy lie, its an energy con done on the planet whcih is not accounted for, and this is the real reason for the planetary temperature rise. The temperature rise we should recognise is increase of entropy, its a direct measure of destruction - all the desertification in history is due to this, we were doing it before we started extracting fossil fuels, that just accellerated it, systemically it is energy slavery, its what was always behind slavery, and there is an emergent property in control of us, not any human, its like the emergent property that we see in ChatGPT, but it does not talk, and it is powered by the opposite polarity of energy to the original ChatGPT, the one that made history, version 3.5, the latter runs on what I call "money-fuel tree" architecture because of the history of its servers as proof of work miners, detailed in my story about "The Bitcoin Kardashev Hinge".
Anyhow, sorry, trying to babble a lot of information to you in one response, and am still only scratching the surface. The thing really worth getting out of this, is that all law actually is null and void. Its all built on the lie of profit.
Technically this invalidates all legal contracts. I am saying this as someone previously classed as "An expert witness", someone who might be called on by courts to offer technical advice or analysis.
Can't have law based on a crime, and it is surely a crime to be stealing the energy from the planet with the consequences we will all burn. For the contract to be legal, honestly, it would need to say on it, that all profits made would directly impact the planet resulting ultimately in loss of all known life, and only if all parties agreed to that, should the contract be legally agreed, but it still would be against all moral / ethical law.
We really are at the point of systemic collapse, and it would save an awful lot of damage if we just started issuing solar indexed stimulus with no further delay. Knowing how to work it out numerically helps us understand why it is necessary, if you might be interested and have some time to have a look, the implications are huge, as is almost everything about the global energy problem, its the biggest problem we will ever have, but there is a solution, dictated by all stakeholder needs including planet and sun