I wouldn't call it abundance, it never was abundance, it was something a few enjoyed at the expense of many, and the few, as a population, actually worked without realising it, to scarcify things for the majority who died.
This is us in swarming ant mode, only in our case we swarm for energy, whereas ants only swarm for food.
We do this using a dishonest system of energy slavery, its actually a huge lie, that this somehow benefits the planet.
It's profit which is the anti-life force, this is the thing that has to be stopped, and when we do stop it, then we will have abundance.
But never until then, if then.
Right now we have to learn to tell the truth, because another way of looking at the increase of entropy is to notice creation of information is reduction of entropy, whilst deletion of information is increase of entropy, and look, the temperature is going up, because a lie told destroys an awful lot more information than a single truth told can create.
We are literally killing the planet by lies, the universe knows when we are lying, it might as well be singing "Liars, liars, planet's on fire".
We didn't learn to do this traumatised by the environment, we learned to do this seemingly instructed by a burning bush, which issued orders to hoard grain for seven yeaars, which of course was followed by grinding famine, the hoarders were rewarded by having the power of life or death over those who hadn't gone along with the hoarding, it was they who traumatised the masses into all practicing energy slavery, and its continued ever since then, and look, profit is exclusively energy extracted from the planet, it can never be energy from the sun, profit is literally monetised destruction, but we never called it that, so its an energy lie, and all other lies are built on that - all the sales pitch, all the politically correct speaking, actually all the politics, its an imaginary world built of lies we live in, but now the game is up, nature insists we start telling the truth, and it will be the one traumatising on massive scale, if we cant see sense, and start to issue the solar indexed stimulus needed to get on with repairing all the damage done.
Btw, its not true that the atmosphere has any blanket effect, because the atmosphere is adiabatic, what is being measured by increasing temperature is direct increase of entropy.
So all the effort spent by Mr Berners Lee, with best of heart, actually did nothing to help reverse entropy, it just made it worse, because Mike would have used some precious energy to do that work, its like all business addressing carbon capture, net zero etc etc, none of it helps reduce the temperature rise, it actually accelerates it, because the temperature rise is associated with amounts of profit made, it has nothing to do with any greenhouse gas, there is no such thing as greenhouse gas. Misdirected effort, always at profit, is what goes straight to temperature, hence the real reason we've seen it accellerate.
Profit is energy exclusively taken from the planet and thrown to heat.