I would say you've gone to a lot of effort, this is a prodigious article, which if we spent the time to read, would probably make a difference.
But that's a known hallmark of propaganda, a standard technique, often attributed to someone who's name I probably cant spell right, say it often enough and people will start believing you - was it Goebbells?
What you are trying to do is move the goalposts of what folk perceive is atrocity, what is genocide.
It isn't OK, it never will be, to bomb schools, kids, civilians, to snipe at doctors, to bulldose families cowering in tents, to withold vital supplies including even anaesthetic for said bombed kids still alive, needing the remainder of arms and legs amputated, without anaesthetic, to shoot indiscriminately at kids in the back, to destroy most of the dwellings of all people, so they are homeless, to targeted and killed even the journalists covering the atrocity, to have killed many hundreds of medical staff to have killed many hundreds of UN workers, and still you try to use UN legislature to justify it?
it's really the actions of folk with mentalities that have to be seen as near Nazis, to have so little compassion about what is happening to actual people, to be spending so much time trying defend, distract from it, warp people's perceptions of it.
Arrendt had it right.
Niemoller had it right.
The only difference I see between you and the original Nazis is they knew they were out to Genocide, they admitted it.
You are at least supporting it by your industry, but you are not admitting it.
this takes virtue signalling to another level.