"Factually correct" is that both Concorde and the Space Shuttle actually existed. Thanks for your opnion, but that is all it is, your opinion, which you maybe think is fact but you are wrong, If I wasn't part of the original space industry myself, I might even believe and agree with you. Who do you think is better informed? Elon won't pay for experts like us who were in the original space industry. So you get fireworks pretending to be rockets, instead of actual spacecraft. Unfortunate you can't see it, it might be gone forever. "Getting better" in your book is a firework that lasted a few hundred seconds after taking off? Remember it is competing with actual historical aircraft which flew from UK to Australia in four hours routinely, and others that flew all the way into deep space and landed back on Earth routinely. I guess you might not be old enough to remember either of those. I hate to say this but you are in the social bubble of Elon, even if you say you don't like him much, you have bought his sales pitch, hook like and sinker.
If you read any of what I write about in Medium, it is about how to put right all the things that VC investment are making wrong. My expertise as a long practicing systems Engineer is what I use to produce all the analyses. This might be what you need to be able to see it. Anyhow, nature has control of this, via inflation, which you, Elon, me, and everyone is seeing as well as a burning planet.
If you really want a better world for your eight year old, I would advise you will need to do some legwork in order to be able to see it. It isn't about Elon.