I wonder why conventional science seems so reluctant to venture into this. Actually it makes perfect sense that science, being profit driven as it is, depends for its income on being able to convince us that it knows all there is to know, about science and technology. Uncovering ancient technology, and maybe even that we ourselves were something created by ancient technologists, us being designed for one function; to profit systemically our creators, would be something very disruptive to conventional science.
Perhaps now that we are being forced by nature to finally move beyond the concept of profit, by all possibilities of it being physically removed by nature, we will be able to open our eyes soon to looking objectively at the evidence of ancient technology and our actual origins.
I like to hope so anyway.
This, (conjecture) , is how I see it fitting, systemically;
You maybe know, it is believed that there was a war between ancient technologists, between those who agreed on our creation, and those who didn't.
Those who didn't agree we should exist, won the war, and our creators were somehow banished or eliminated.
A minority of us was allowed to survive (sodom and gommorra), as it would have been immoral to just wipe us all out.
They reason they thought we shouldn't exist, is they knew we were designed for profit alone, therefore are systemically destructive, unsustainable, by design.
Hence why religions, the guidebooks they left as our handbooks, go to such lengths to warn against the hazards of profit, to try to somewhat offset our programming.
But they knew one day we would be forced to question whether to continue with the practice of profit to the destruction of all life, or to survive.
That day would come, when we achieve the capability of obtaining energy which does not come by extraction from our planet, but is donated to us for free, from the sun.
These are the end days now, we can see it by using the technology of formal Systems Engineering, to fully analyse the systems of nature and humanity.
We also see the energy of the sun creating valuable fuel and food product with no per-Joule cost of any kind. It is truly donated, and potentially unlimited, real creation for all, not just creation benefiting a minority at the expense of the majority, unlike anything for profit.
I think we are close to tying all of this together now to achieve real sustainability, and much deeper understanding of our reason for existing, our valuable function as a species that genuinely deserves a place in what is probably an already existing system of multiple intergalactic species.
The revolution will come with issue of massive stimulus representing the solar product put to use.
They have to do that soon, to avoid losing all value of money in the presence free energy, which is relentlessly scaling up.