I wonder if the questionnaires made any connection between between environmental concerns and cost of living concerns, because they should have, the two things are intimately connected, by being the result of scarcity of availability of energy.
Money is energy, so giving folk money is giving them/us energy.
Give us enough of that and we start to find ways to add value.
My usual topic is around the value of solar indexed stimulus which is actually owed to all people but never paid so far, and failure to pay it is a physical explanation for why money is losing value, it is becoming increasingly less representative of the only still growing energy product, yet that product is more valuable than any other energy product in history, given it is the only one that actually is creation, that we can never get enough of, because it cools rather than heats, at any efficiency.
It's only a matter of time until this is confirmed the hard way.
A lot of grief could be avoided by this becoming known and accepted by money issuing authorities.
Otherwis we will see more and more becoming unhappy with the system, because it will do progressively more damage until fixed, the only way it can be, by massive issue of stimulus.
Folk think that the logic of Weimar still applies, hence why they refuse to issue funds, but this is not true any longer, it hasn't been since around 2005, energy supply started to shift away from utilities energy companies, to the public with the result that a large proportion has now moved, between 20 and 30 percent.
The value of that shift in UK now stands at around 500 Bn, this is how much is owed to the public. it was 470 Bn earlier this year.
The more they try to resist issuing this, the more rapidly money has to devalue.
To me it looks like they are afraid of the effects of issuing too much to the public, they think they will lose the benefits they enjoy as elites.
But they could have even more benefits, if they did the right thing and issued the money due, announcing what it is for, and what we should do with as much of it as we can; scale up the domestic and community solar facilities, so as to maximise future solar indexed UBI, whilst at the same time actually doing something constructive towards ending the global energy problem.