I wish you well with that, even though you didn't care to point out which part of the system analysis you think is wrong.
You say you are not driven by profit, but where do you believe your income comes from, if not from profit, and where do you think the Joules of energy have to come from, which the money issued as debt in which you are paid, enumerates?
Until things change, truly, from money issued only as debt, that money has to continue to inflate now, as an exponential, in the presence of free energy scaling up.
I guess you wish to continue being paid in the same kind of money as always, but how will you feel when every sale and every pay packet buys less and less, like so many people and companies are already experiencing?
As said, I've been studying this a long time, I am a long practicing Systems Engineer, who saw the energy implications of the profit driven system coming, a long time ago. It is coming to a head now, look at all of the businesses and people near bankruptcy, more and more will be affected until the problem is put right at source, by monetising the energy of the sun, instead of the energy extracted from Earth.