I will try a brief explanation Kitty: We’ve seen and studied the phenomenon of crypto-currencies. We can see that the rate of uptake of a new networked utility is heavily dependent on utility. To date, social media has the highest known network utility.
We can see also how a person’s smartphone effectively puts them under surveillance. And we’ve seen the power of ai working in the interests of the corporates behind that surveillance.
By applying the same techniques as used by the corporates to design systems, we experiment, changing the main system stakeholders from the platform owners and shareholders, to the users.
When we do this, and analyse the outcome, we see that everyone in the network is paid an income. Further, that income is substantial, growing more with every user added to the network.
Further, those users find that the way to maximise their incomes is to do good things, like projects which benefit the planet, things that everyone likes and approves of. They collaborate. They quickly learn that behind pretty much every argument in history is profit of some kind or another, that one or the other or both wishes to sieze, at the expense of the other; the zero-sum game.
And they find that when they work towards a common goal, that conflict is eliminated.
Now, if you consider the utility of being able to earn a substantial income, from doing things that you enjoy, it is virtually infinite. So the rate of uptake of such a network is very fast. Facebook took ten years to pull in billions of users, but this network will do it virtually instantly.
Facebook can never give its users the rewards we are talking about here, it profits from human misery, actually, because that is what generates most clicks.
The new non-profit value-adding network, with the users as the number one stakeholders, all self-funding, is being formed right now, in many non-profit crypto-currency projects. They collaborate as there is no profit to be won, they maximally and mutually benefit by combining their strengths.
At some point, the fire of self funding and worldwide collaboration will ignite, excluding no-one, rich or poor, and the world will change, overnight.