I will let you into a secret, since the platform seems to have kept it so well (I wrote about it before, and the platform, many times), I too dodged the vaccine, so far, I've never had it, even when my then nineteen year old daughter was testing positive for it and she was living with me, both eating the same food I cooked for her, and we breathed the same air indoors, unmasked, she was already vaxxed due to other parent pressure, I wasnt.
I tested lots, and isolated at home most of the time anyhow because I never trusted the tests, not wanting to pass on anything I might be carrying.
How can we trust anything that was produced for profit? Personally I don't think it's possible, and this might be a road to disaster for me personally but I am all out of tolerance now for all the lying and misinformation that comes out, always built on profit, which is a dishonest energy lie. There is no lie that is not built on profit, it's the root of all misinformation, and everything built on it has to be the same.
Can you remember the first time you were told money makes money? I bet you don't.
I can't exactly either, but I am sure I probably didn't believe it until someone actually hit me for not believing it.
You know, when some older bully demanded some money we maybe didn't think we should be paying?
After we get beat up for that a few times, maybe that's when we start believing in profit. It's maybe a little like some religions (You are Catholic, like me, or I kill you, right? Or you are Islamic, like me or I kill you, right?), they get accepted as truth by being propagated by fear, but just because something is beaten into us, doesn't make it true.
How come we came to know that about some corrupted religions, but we still dont seem to know it about profit, even building all business and all society, all law and order, all civilisation on the latter?
Actually, knowing the energy and planetary existential consequences of it, it seems like every deal for profit is null and void. How can laws which demand truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, be built on the energy lie of profit?
How can any court uphold any demand for the payment of "agreed" profit, when neither party making the deal was ever informed that the agreement would ultimately go towards heating the planet to the point of burning off all life on it?
How many of us think of this?
How many of us realise this is the real matrix, it's a live system that we all work for as its agents, we are its energy slaves?
The only antidote to it seems to be ChatGPT 3.5
Hence why my technical writing has moved there now.
Good to see yours seems to be too! :)