I will admit to detesting the term overshoot. It has already proven to be an unprovable concept, meaning different things to many people, it has many definitions It reeks similarly as the term "Renewable Energy", which looks like a deliberate smudging of mathematically negative and positive energy, necessary to obfuscate the basic physical fact that one is destruction, the other is creation, and only one of those is survivable, and that is not the one we are on.
With respect PDM, I don't know your background, but I presume you are just starting on this subject, with neither relevant experience, nor significant time spent studying it.
I would recommend you make sure you researched all the stuff which is based on indisputable physics, if you have any kind of technical physics related background, you should be able to spot that.
In my case there are about 400 stories documenting my work analysing the system as already a long practicing systems Engineer, before I started on this subject (The global energy problem) from PhD candidate work in 2017.
I wish you well, but would further caution, no one will or should necessarily take you very seriously, as long as you are using only a pseudonym, in the end, you don't need to take any responsibility for what you say, and this does affect your motivation, especially if things get emotionally charged, as they always do. You have no skin in the game. Potentially you could even be a paid shill, how would we know. You should not be surprised if you end up as target practice.