I went to have a look at the post you cited as a good example of reason being applied to the analysis.
As always, the same problem exists there as in most places, there is an implicit assumption that our economics is beyond question, with no comprehension of the effect that has on our arguments, those of us who are unaware of it.
The argument there assumed an advanced alien economy would be profit driven.
We can’t build anything on a foundation which is incorrect.
How can it be correct, that our own economy is only capable of representing fixed sums of capital, taking no account of the dynamic energy of sunlight, which carries on creating the value in our world, just as it has always done?
When this is realised, it becomes apparent that via our zero-sum economy, we are operating a huge Ponzi, the Grand Energy Ponzi (GEP), which locks us into continuing to consume the fixed energy resources of our planet.
Of course it has to stop, as we are running low on those.
Fixing it requires that we transfer all energy demands to the only source that can sustain it, the sun.
To do that, we need a new currency, which has intrinsically within it a dynamic energy standard, in terms of Watts (Joules per second) per token or similar, just like we used to have a gold standard of Oz per token.
(It is already happening, with Bitcoin, as I’ve explained in my other stories)
Of course an advanced alien civilisation would have done that long ago, otherwise they would be extinct, just like we will be soon if we can’t make the switch.
Btw, on religion, we obviously worship money, or to be more exact, what it can buy, capital, or more generally; stored energy.
We worship the material things we can have with money, the energy beneath our feet.
We need to move on, to worship what created it, the energy from above.
If we can’t do that, then we burn.
There, we see clearly what is a false god, and what is not, with perfect scientific reasoning, I would say.
How could they have known that, all of those religions?
If they didn’t know it, how could they have guessed?
If they did know it, how could they have explained it to us in any way we would have understood?
UFOs, and Gods, make far more sense when we look at the only way out of the GEP, I would say.