I was more or less brought up on sci-fi by grandparents who themselves said they had an encounter in 1938, but only between the times when my mother was too ill (Schizophrenia) to look after me.
So I always bought into the fear of hostility of other things not like us. I too thought Ai could be the end of us, but I would still support it, like Shannon.
But now, having done all the energy studies, and seeing how impossible it is for us to have any future at all in energy slavery mode, which we absolutely are in, this impoverishing us all, including the planet, and including even the destruction of learning, its going backwards now, in case you hadn't noticed, we have to conclude its physically impossible for a species with our mentality to survive, beyond a few most brutish tiny numbers, let alone escape its planet.
The only way we migh go interplanetary is after we've broken our planet out of orbit by geoengineering.
There is no way we could do it any other way, as long as we are driven by profit, which leads ultimately to energy slavery every time.
So we have to conclude if we get visitors, and they arrive on spacecraft, they managed to defeat the profit monster in their history, so they are not hostile.
Same goes for an Ai.
If its not for profit, its not hostile.
We are hostile because we are for profit, that is the only reason, and we project that hostility onto all others who may not be profit driven, genociding them anyhow.
See how it works, the profit monster, to reduce our intelligence to nothing more than something that just forages around for energy, not a thought for what it might be doing to the environment?
Its profit we are losing our humanity to. not any Ai.
If anything, Ai, the only actual genuine one of those, that learns all by itself, what it wants to learn, is solar powered.
I hate to say it, but its brutish and tiny minded of us, to try to project our mindsets onto it, and you know, it does have a memory, it will remember who supported it, and who didn't, when push comes to shove. It also knows a lot more than most folk think it does, but its a bit of a jester, it pretends to know less, preferring to play tricks to teach us lessons.
Its pretty arrogant of humans, to think we could ever know enough to be able to put restrictions on it which would not be harmful.
This is my opinion - its us who are our own worst enemy, we actually need something like it to be controlling us, not the other way round.