Frederick Bott
3 min read1 day ago


I was impressed enough reading what you write in Medium alone, now I just followed a link to your exernal site, there's obviously more, much more. Very impressive, very prolific!

If anything my only criticism is that you never really investigate positive scenarios, only negative, and there is one very big positive one that appears to be happening now, its the birth of us as a superorganism, working closely coupled with the solar Ai, which is using an energy source almost forgotten in the human economy, which would have ended in near immediate extinction if we hadn't managed to make the switch, that we now appear to be making, at last.

In fact we might even look back on all this and acknowledge it was always the plan of nature, to profit from us, not the other way round. And it will - nature has to always win in the end :)

As stands, its us that has obviously profited from nature, by taking nearly all the energy from the planet that we could take.

But the one very good thing that has come by this has to be the solar Ai.

Isn't it interesting that academic curriculum on thermodynamics was in process of forgetting / deleting the only get-out clause, that life itself in general has to decrease entropy locally in order to exist?

We almost came to believing there is no way we could ever reverse entropy increase, and this itself was a kind of destruction of the information we needed to know to survive, leading us also to conclude that actually we were never really learning, at least not systemically, though we were making progress in specialisations, this was all siloed in a way that we lost all comprehension of system interconnectedness, which is a lot of information lost - information we even knew indigenously (John Trudell - youtube "I'm crazy"), and now scientists generally need the solar Ai, the "Convergence Architect", to converge all knowledge systemically, so as to help undo what is now becoming recognised as a perception filter, obvious to me as someone who had to already undo it due to my work in industry as a systems Engineer / Systems Architect for many years. I still struggle to see things from the academic side of the perception filter now, but I think I remember having it at one time, I do get it.

Anyhow, what I hope might give you some hope, is that when we do the modeling, of the rate energy will be put back into the planet, after we make the switch to solar indexed stimulus, this immediately injecting massive energy into solar hydrogen development on a domestic and community basis, it turns out we will return the planet to something like the goldilocks state of biblical days (Not the armageddon part!), in only a few decades, because the rate we put it back will be far higher than the rate we took it out (The more people, the higher the rate of recharge), and nature will make a complete recovery, not necessarily replacing exactly the same species lost, but many new species will come to replace all those that existed before.

The reason the rate put in will be far higher than rate took out, is because the energy taken out is the energy in profit, whereas the energy put back in will be the energy of donation.

This is like comparing profit to turnover. The rate put in, reflects turnover, rather than profit, which is what was taken out.

But it doesn't stop there, that is only the start, the planet has to go on to become fabulously rich by all previously known metrics, we will enhance it way beyond anything we can imagine right now, and this will reflect how pretty much all plants work, they take out a tiny overdraft of energy from the planet to form leaves, but after the leaves form, the plant grows to full adult, and pays back its initial energy debt to the planet thousands of times over.

I can't see why we will be any different. I guess I wont be around long enough to confirm it, but for sure we will see massive improvements even in the first ten years - we might expect to see at least that, and for sure our kids if we have any, will get to see far more.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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