I used to be of similar opinion, until after I’d gone through the Systems Analysis, including the physics, and now see that all is following a path, driven by nature, with the end result of money coming to have an energy standard, we will start to put Joules per token, instead of Oz gold per token, as it once was, and still lamented by those still believing in capital.
Oz gold per token wasn’t that great, as that was probably the main instrument that kept us distracted from connecting to the sun, the only source of energy, even though we’ve dreamt of it for at least 120 years, since Nikola Tesla tried to implement it, and was defunded by JP Morgan, his sole funder.
We are back there again, almost connecting to the sun, but this time there is no capital money standard to beat us up with, to stop us connecting, in fact Bitcoin is even playing a key role in its end, as detailed in my Bitcoin as a Kardashev Hinge Story, not recognised by the capitalist investors, invested in Bitcoin, and even trying to use the energy of a volcano, instead of the energy of the sun.
It is a tricky thing, Bitcoin, as to capitalists it appears to enforce scarcity, and yet to energyists, it appears to enforce abundance.
The truth is it is moving, hinging, from the former to the latter. It is the end result that matters the most, surely.
The energy of the sun is Joules per Second, whereas the value of capital is Joules.
Joules per second is infinitely more valuable than just Joules, and the only place we can find that, unlimited, forever, for free, is in sunlight, the same place as Bitcoin miners find the cheapest energy, and trees find the energy to donate to all of life.
Ever noticed trees, and all plants, worship the sun?
With that, all value goes out of capital, as we will realise we were worshiping and monetising the wrong thing all along; capital, when it should have been energy.
We are moving from Capitalism, to Energyism, and for sure that is going to be a much better world than we ever saw before, in my opinion.