I too take exception with the way labor was thought about then, by Marx, Smith, Tolstoy, and others still being used now. It isn't the same now, we can't hope for 100% employment, or the associated endless growth and energy requirements to fuel it all. To sort it out, I think labor has to be much more formally defined, as simply what it means in physics, a mathematical process of energy conversion, from one form to another. We need to do this to unravel confusing terminology also around energy. Everything changed physically and fundamentally economically, when we started growing the human equivalents of leaves, in the form of solar farms all over Earth.
That opened up what was previously a closed box of all things categorised as capital.
Now, there is sunlight being converted to valuable hydrogen fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels with none of the pollution, and even food ("Solein") which replaces food we've always depended on, and emburdened the environment to supply to us.
All of that comes with no labor of extraction per Joule yielded. So in theory, there isn't much labor left to do beyond installing and maintaining the infrastructure required to maintain this. Obviously money-as-debt can't sustain this physically sustainable system, money has to change its own nature to become compatible. It needs to move to become something issued in response to, thus reflecting solar energy being put to use. Otherwise, it has to continue to deflate in value because in the end it is the product which is the thing of value, not the money.
The solar capicity in developed countries is still only between 10 and 20 percent, but has to necessarily continue to scale up, to 100% for the sake of the environment.
I think this will happen very quickly when it is realised that until we do that, the Austrian economic principle that money issue should be balanced with production is being broken.
Since there is no per-Joule labor of extraction associated with receiving solar energy, we have to conclude that the only way money can be issued to reflect it honestly and fairly, money has to be issued in quantity for free to all people.
We saw the effects of that demonstrated when 4Tn was being issued per month in the US, oil prices went negative, and the environment showed the only spike of recovery ever, and the dollar value itself even went up.
That changes everything, I think.
I call it "Kardashev Money", and a new ideology that might be associated with it "Energyism".