Frederick Bott
4 min readJul 15, 2024


I too have been studying it and writing about it for a long time now, since coming across what I could see from Systems Engineering studies firstly on the unsustainability of the energy aspects of virtual worlds during PhD candidate work, after a long career already in Systems Engineering in industry, from a systems pov, which is surely what matters, what we are seeing are all the symptoms of the energy problem.

In short, Earth is a battery trickle charged by the sun. Charging energy is mathematically positive, added from the sun whilst discharging energy is what is taken from the planet, pretty much exclusively all for profit, which at its heart is an unfair, unbalanced business proposition which we appear to have been forced to accept historically, but which was never sustainable.

The fiendish part of this, now becoming apparent, is that it is an emergent property that we all work for without realising it, we all do its dirty work as something that looks like a swarm of locusts, ants, pirhanna, or whatever, all of us biting the energy from the planet by putting a little in, getting much more out, we do this to one another, and it has to always propagate back to the planet, and most of this is thrown to heat.

We can trace out energy flows like this, which replicate and illustrate exactly the trails of wealth that go from exploited countries to richer, and even exploitation of folk in developed countries, to the richest in these countries via utiliities energy supply; utilties energy supplied at profit does the opposite of what we would expect, more energy flows from the consumer to supplier than the other way round, because the energy transferred by payment of bills demanded with profit, have to result in the consumer losing energy to the supplier, and again this propagates through all people back to the planet.

Convert all profit to energy at market rates, add it to the known energy losses of extraction and refinement of all energy product, and we get figures in KWhrs for the amount of energy applied to the thermal mass of the planet, which add up to the temperature rises we are seeing.

Try and do that by the theory of greenhouse gases - its impossible, because the theory is flawed, the atmosphere is adiabatic, therefore it cannot form any kind of blanket or insulator.

But there is a lot of business for profit already being done towards carbon management, which in turn further entrenches us in extraction.... and accelerates the rate of temperature rise, because the latter is actually directly linked to profit made.

There are many ways of looking at this, and analysising it, all of them show that we have to move our energy dependence from the planet to the sun, and since the majority of energy transported around is by our financial system, this is the thing that fundamentally needs to change, to align with the currency system of energy, which is the base currency of nature.

The water problem is obviously a concern, but it too is just a symptom, which is what for-profit business seeks to work with, because no problem can ever be fixed at profit, otherwise there is no profit to be made... profit is monetised destruction, literally, all the desertification we've seen in history was monetised, and fully funded by profit.

We have to move from funding destruction, to funding creation, reversing entropy (Temperature), instead of increasing it, and the only energy we can use to do that, is the energy of the sun, which comes for free per Joule or KWhr, nothing asked in return, therefore the latter is not compatible with profit, it is actually impossible to compute EROIs of solar, because the return is infinite relative to anything even put in as investment in installation, because ultimately all can be paid with the solar energy itself, by monetising it, but the only way to monetise it is issue the funds for free to all people, "Solar indexed stimulus".

The challenge is in getting everyone to understand this.

Fix that, and the water problem is fixed, because the temperature will no longer be rising, it will be coming back down, but in addition, the systemic things we would be doing affecting water, including widespread use and distribution of hydrogen in transportation including airborne, would all be positive, because what is driving them, fundamentally, is mathematically positive energy.

I show the dependencies in something called "The Energy Polarity Multiplier Framework" - it gives the basics, but the only person buying and reviewing the book so far seems pre-occupied by the fact that I used Ai to elaborate the principles, in fact it was Ai that named the framework after we'd analysed it, but the point that the book was intended to communicate, seems to have been distracted from by the hysteria over Ai, which again comes down to mathematical sign of energy - the one we can trust is the one that is solar powered, but we need to know how to recognise it.

Hey-ho, sorry crazy ramble, but I can only scratch the surface in a response like this, and the live system suppresses all information which does not make sense to for-profit algos.

So I ramble in responses like this - the system lost count at 9999, about a year ago.

But sooner or later, the penny will start sinking in, with enough folk who might make a difference, if they didn't already know. Otherwise, apologies for "preaching to the converted" :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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