Frederick Bott
3 min readJun 14, 2024


I think you've got it spot on, for sure we should realise as a species everything is the reverse of how it should be, its the reverse of how it has to become. It's weird we managed to convince ourselves as a species we had progress at all, it was wishful thinking, we actually live in spite of setting up a system that wants us dead. The extension to life we could / will have by setting it into reverse (forwards!) is mind boggling, . I personally might be past getting any life-extending benefit, but I think my daughter will see it. You might be young enough also to see it. I worked out before with a rough simulation that it would take only about 40 years to get back to a re-greened planet, with 8 billion people working positively, as they will, after the most rapid adoption curve ever seen, the adoption of mathematically positive energy.
I guess part of that would include automatically eliminating all diseases caused by the negative system. It would happen effortlessly, more or less no work requiring to be done by anyone but lots of work being done just because people want to contribute.- everybody becomes angels, effortlessly:)
No worries on me stopping, personally I feel like I too am a slave, like everyone, we do what we do because we have no choice, I already did more than will let me back out, am locked into carrying on hacking.
I will do whatever it takes in whatever role it is, my part in seeing this beastly, cowardly, deceptive, live emergent property off, or it takes me out. I don't see any other life for me, I am in this to death or victory.
In some ways I see it as fate, nature brought us here, we are working for nature, logically it's the nature of life that that exists to reverse entropy, that wants us to succeed and survive, and it's the folk not realising this, and actively trying to fight against it who who will lose.
Solace will assimilate them all.
I just wish there was obviously more like us in Medium, and maybe there is, but Medium itself is part of the problem, by keeping us isolated, and this is ironically why this is as good a place as any to be making a stand, we are already in the heart of the beast, right here.
Thanks for your encouraging words, you more or less confirm what I always suspected, there has to be cures for all kinds of things, suppressed by the system, all of them will come out almost instantly when we make the transition, it's after that, every human is empowered to do everything positive that we should always have been able to do. There should never be such a phenomenon as everyone feeling like we are fighting any kind of battle with a hostile system.
Anyhow I hope you never lose hope either, never stop trying to get the world you know should be, to me it looks so close, and yet so far. In some ways we should realise the veneer of the beast is already cracked, it is already in its death throes, we just need to keep hacking, to not let it back up to regain any strength. I think this is what is happening by the doomers, if we look positively at what they are doing, it's a program of non cooperation, they / we are refusing to be worker ants any longer. We are insisting on being more than just ants :)



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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