Frederick Bott
2 min readNov 3, 2022


I think your logic is good here, but there is an exception to the rule, that maybe you missed, when markets did exactly the right thing, that was when 4tn per month stimulus was being issued, and oil prices went negative.
A whole new population of traders were trading using effectively free money, they were not interested in profit since the money was for free, they had no need to seek profit. They voted for the things they saw as having value in the world, simple luxury things like cars for hire, and cruises on ships, even though those companies were technically bankrupt by having no business during lockdowns. Hertz, is one company rescued, but there were many. No one voted for oil with their free money so its price went negative, the only commodity to do so ever.
Further, a definite positive spike of recovery in the environment was recorded, in recovery of fish and coral stocks, previously thought to be irreversible.
I am not surprised you don't recall that event. Media, itself driven by profit, has no interest in recalling that time of actual global environmental recovery.
I argue that logically what we saw there, was a glimpse of the the way the world should be, rather than the way it is, and is actually mathematically sustainable, unlike the current system, if we credit the product being received from sunlight as valuable enough to issue money on.
It does after all convert to hydrogen fuel which functionally replaces fossil fuels, and then onto even food (See "Solein"), so absolutely should be monetised, and the fact that it isn't, despite being received and put to use, is a kind of dishonesty which is the real physical reason for the inflation we are now seeing, since as the solar energy put to use necssarily scales up, money is becoming increasingly less representative of actual donated valuable product.
If we were religious we might see this is a bit like biting the hand that feeds, the hand of god, and god is not taking very well to that, but I digress from logic there towards belief maybe :)
The thing to note is that it isn't possible to issue money in response to product created as donation, as long as the money is issued as debt.
Because there is no work needed per joule of solar energy received, and the source of that energy is not from Earth, it can only be represented by money issued also as donation, requiring no work to receive.
See this is truly biblically different from any energy used in history, it absolutely will force us to issue money truly reflecting it, sooner or later, and we can work this out with simple self confirming logic. That we don't, still, is most surprising to me, we actually don't seem to have learned much form the stimulus events during covid lockdowns.



Frederick Bott
Frederick Bott

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